When you start planting seedlings from your nurseries in your planting sites, you can keep track of the progress of the planting in those sites.
The Planting Progress table lists all of the planting site areas to which you "sent" plants using the withdraw feature in your nursery inventory batches. For more information about withdrawing from batches, visit Seedling Withdrawal.
The Planting Progress table is also where you would mark your planting activities for an area (subzone) as completed.
Screenshot showing the location of the Planting Progress table, in Withdrawals
The Planting Progress table provides a count of all of the plants (seedlings) that were recorded as planted in the planting site area (subzones). To see a log of all of the withdrawals (planting events) recorded by date, including the quantity of plants, click the number in the "Total Seedlings Sent" column in the table.
Marking an Area as Planting Complete
To mark planting in an area (subzone) as completed, select the area(s) by checking the box(es) to the left of the areas in the table. The option to mark the area as "Planting Complete" will appear above the table. Click to mark the planting as complete. After you have marked a planting area as complete, you can undo the marking, if you plan to plant more in the area. To undo "Planting Complete", select the area(s) by checking the box(es) to the left of the areas in the table and click "Undo Planting Complete."
Viewing Planting Progress in a Map
To view planting progress on a map, click Map above the table to toggle the map view. Within the map, click within the subzones to view a summary of the planting progress.