Users with the Admin role can manage the list of users under organizations in Terraware. People added to organizations will be invited by email to join the organization.
User Roles
Terraware has several user roles. Each role can do different things in the software, so it is important to assign a role that is appropriate for each person. You can always go back and change the role of any person in your organization.
Owner: An owner is the role is the person who created the organization, which will be you, if you set it up after account creation. An organization must have an owner, so if you are the owner and want to remove yourself from the organization, you will need to assign a new owner first. Users who are owners can do everything that admins can do. The only thing that an owner can do that an admin cannot do is assign a new owner.
Admin: An admin, also known as an administrator, has the ability to add, edit, and delete all seeds, seedling, and species data. Admins can also edit the organization profile, manage users in the organization, and manage locations, such as seed banks, nurseries, and planting sites.
Manager: A manager can add and edit data for seeds and seedlings, and manage the species list. The only thing managers can't do is manage organizations, people, projects, and locations. This role is best for people who have good knowledge of the species your organization uses and will be actively managing the inventory, and planting activities of the organization.
Contributor: A contributor can add and edit data for seeds and seedlings, but cannot manage the species list. This role is best for people who will only be doing seed collection and nursery activities for your organization.
To View people in an organization, click People in the left navigation menu. The People screen shows the list of users in your organization and also allows admins to add, edit, and remove them.
List of People who are users under your organization
To Add people to your organization:
- Click on the “Add Person” button on the top right of the screen on the People page.
- Enter in their email and their role you want them to have in Terraware.
- If they have a Terraware account already, the new user will just need to login to Terraware and your organization will be available to them. If they do not have a Terraware account, they will be prompted to create one when they click on the link in an invitation email they will receive.
- Note that they will fill in their own first and last name at this time.
To Change the roles of people in your organization:
- Click on their first or last name on the “People” screen. This will take you to that person’s details page.
- Click on the “Edit Person” button at the top right of the screen. This will allow you to edit the role of the person in your organization.
To Remove people from your organization:
- Check the check box next to the name(s) of the people you want to remove from the organization.
- In the actions bar that appears above the table, click Remove to remove your account.
- In the Remove Person screen that appears, click Remove to confirm that you would like to remove the selected people.
- Note: Clicking Remove will permanently remove the people from the organization. While this action cannot be undone, a removed person can be re-added to an organization. When a person is removed from an organization, their Terraware account will still exist - it will not be deleted. The person will simply be removed from the organization.