Manage the details of your account, including your preferences, whether to receive notifications and which organizations your account is associated with.
To Log In to your account:
- Go to the Terraware web application at
- Sign in using the credentials you used to create your account
- If you have not yet created an account, click Sign Up to do so. To learn more about creating an account, visit Creating An Account.
To access and Edit your account details:
- Click on your name in the upper right hand corner of the screen to access the menu. Within the menu, click My Account to access your account details.
- Click Edit Account to edit the details of your account, including your name, country, time zone, and language and time zone. Note: The email address associated with your account cannot be changed.
- Configure Language, Country, Preferred Weight System, and Time Zone
- The language you select determines the language of the text that will be displayed to you in Terraware.
- Check or uncheck the Receive Email Notifications checkbox to set whether to receive email notifications related to activity in your account and organization.
- Click Save to save any changes.
- Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.
To Delete your account:
- While viewing your account details, click on the More menu to the right of Edit Account. Within the menu, click Delete Account.
- In the confirmation dialog, click Delete Account to confirm that you want to delete your account. Note: Account deletion cannot be undone.
Each accounts can be associated with multiple organizations.
To Remove your account from Organizations it is associated with:
- While editing your account details, in the Organizations table, click the checkbox(es) next to the organization(s) you want to remove your account from.
- In the actions bar above the table, click Remove to remove your account from the selected organization(s).
- Click Save to save any changes.
- Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.