The Accessions list shows you all of the accessions that you have added and provides a way to search and find individual accession by Accession ID and Status.
Accessions List
- Filtering & Searching your Accessions: You can filter your list by anything in any column. You can choose to filter by only one factor or by multiple. Above the accessions table you will find filters.
- To filter, click on the table column name you wish to filter by.
- Type in the search bar, or select the options, you wish to filter your accessions by.
- Hit “Enter” to exit out.
- When you have a filter enabled, you will see it appear above your table.
- To remove a filter, simply click the “clear filters” text above the table.
- Exporting your Accessions:
- To export your accessions click on the three dot icon (directly to the right of the add accession button).
- Click on “Export”.
- This will download your species list as a .csv file. This file can be opened by any spreadsheet program such as Excel, Google Sheets, and Numbers.
- If you have a filter on when you export, the export will contain the filtered view you had when you exported. This comes in handy if you only want to export species with certain characteristics!
- Customizing table columns: We allow users to add many columns to their accessions table so that they can view as much, or as little, as they need to in order to do their work. To add or remove columns in the table:
- Click on the three dot icon (directly to the right of the add accession button).
- Click on “Customize Table Columns”.
- Choose which columns you would like to display in your accession table.
- Click “Save Changes”.